The Journal Sentinel’s 84th Annual Oscars full page spread

MEGA64 TV ‘Kookamunga’ Bumper

C o y o t e N e u t r a l YouTube channel banner

Kai O’Te’s Galactician Album Cover Art

JAMS Department Logo - UWM

Mega64 TV ‘Tunnel’ Bumper

San from Princess Mononoke

Model: Liz Siegl

Photography: Annie Oldenburg

Design & Editing: Skyler Yuda

San from Princess Mononoke

Model: Liz Siegl

Photography: Annie Oldenburg

Design & Editing: Skyler Yuda

Intro animation for Yo! Yo! Coyote!

Elements East Advertisement

‘Snagglepuss Reference’ T-Shirt Design

Design Concept for Horatio Productions

‘Button Bumper’ for the H3 Podcast

Tchilg Pattern Design

Corpuscle Texture Design